The mission of Capitol Choices is to identify and select a yearly list of outstanding titles for children and teens. We consider books and audiobooks published in the current calendar year for readers from birth through the teen years. We look not only for those books and audiobooks that are obviously remarkable but also for those whose charm, art, information, or depth of feeling may enhance a young person’s world. We especially look for books that may not find an audience without the benefit of special attention. We utilize the discussion guidelines of the Children’s Cooperative Book Center during our meetings.

Capitol Choices includes librarians, teachers, booksellers, children’s literature specialists, reviewers, and magazine editors who work in cities, suburbs, and rural areas in and around Washington, D.C. Since 1996, we have been meeting, discussing, and selecting recommended books for young people through the high school years. Most of us work directly with young people, and all of us share a passion for books and a commitment to pairing children with books. Capitol Choices members are also available to present workshops on the best titles of the year, how to evaluate literature for young people, and other topics related to our passion for books and audiobooks for young readers. Please email us to schedule a workshop.

Join Us!

We welcome you at our monthly meetings, currently taking place over Zoom. Capitol Choices will meet virtually for the majority of meetings, but hold in-person ballot meetings (September & January) at pre-determined locations in the DMV. If you’d like to join our Zoom discussion, please email Capitol Choices for additional information. Authors and publishers are welcome to sit in on our discussions but may not nominate or comment on titles.